Jan 24, 2025
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2009-10 [Archived Catalog]
Spanish Major (B.A.)
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Major code BA5225
Modern Languages Majors General Information
Courses in your major must be taken for a letter-grade (A-F). A grade of C (2.0) or better must be earned in a course for those hours to count toward a major. All students majoring in a language are strongly urged to study abroad in one of the Department’s programs. The Spanish major requires study abroad. Suggested electives are classical languages, comparative literature, cultural anthropology, English, fine arts, history of the country in your major interest, and linguistics.
If you are an Arts and Sciences student interested in becoming licensed to teach languages at the secondary level (middle school or high school), please seek assistance at the department office, Gordy 283, to meet with language department faculty knowledgeable about language education. Together you can plan how to complete the licensure requirements listed under Modern Languages in the College of Education section of the catalog. Prospective teachers are highly encouraged to spend at least one quarter in education abroad. Program Requirements
The major requirements in Spanish are a minimum of 40 quarter hours beyond 213, including 16 quarter hours at the 400 level, and the following: Select one of the following:
Select one of the following:
Select one of the following:
Linguistics - Select one of the following:
Spanish-American content - Select one of the following:
Spanish content - Select one of the following:
Oral Proficiency Interview
An Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) is required of all Spanish majors. This must be taken and passed at least one quarter prior to graduation, preferrably as soon as possible after completing study abroad. For more information contact the Modern Languages Department (Gordy 283) or visit the Modern Languages home page: http://www-as.phy.ohiou.edu/Departments/Mod_Lang/undergrad.html Education Abroad
Students majoring in Spanish must have a minimum of one quarter of education abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. Students choose a study abroad program in consultation with an academic advisor. The primary goal of education abroad is to increase cultural and linguistic competency. We strongly recommend students study abroad after completing the equivalent of at least one year of language study. Although we encourage students to participate in an Ohio University study abroad program, other alternatives are possible.
In rare cases, the study abroad experience may be waived due to prior experience, financial exigencies, etc. In some cases, an internship with a Spanish-speaking organization may substitute for the education abroad. The Department of Modern Languages must approve all substitutions, which students initiate through petition to their academic advisor. |
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