Degree Title: Master of Education
Program Name and Number: School Clinical Mental Health Counseling - ME6298
Department/Unit: Counseling and Higher Education
Delivery Mode:
Program Mission:
Program Learning Objectives:
Program Overview: Master’s degree programs consist of a minimum of 60 semester hours of study and can be completed along with a counseling practicum (100 total work experience hours), two semesters of required counseling internship (600 total work experience hours) provide extensive field experience. Graduates are prepared for Ohio licensing as a PC which is available following graduation and meeting other state mandated requirements.
Opportunities for Graduates: Graduates of this program go on to become School Counselors in elementary or secondary settings both public and private. Graduates of this program also go on to complete Doctoral studies in Counselor Education.
Graduation Requirements:
Admission Requirements: If undergraduate GPA is < 2.9 (4.0 scale) overall or < 3.25 for the last 90 quarter or equivalent semester hours, applicants must submit scores for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE); if GPA exceeds these levels, no test scores are required. GRE scores are required when the GPA is below 2.90 Three written letters of recommendation and a 5-page autobiography are required in addition to the University Graduate School application. The deadline for completed applications is January 15.