Jan 15, 2025  
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2017-18 
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2017-18 [Archived Catalog]

Academic Calendar

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Academic Calendar 2017–18                                           

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For additional academic calendar information, visit https://calendar.ohio.edu/site/academiccalendar.
Dates are subject to change at the discretion of Ohio University.

Note: Deadlines are 5:00 p.m. EST on the date indicated (unless otherwise noted). However, online transactions may be processed beyond 5:00 p.m. EST if the online system is available. Deadlines are prorated for classes that do not meet for the full semester.

Fall Semester 2017-18                                          

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August 21, Monday

Fall semester tuition and fees due for students registered by July 31

August 27, Sunday

Last day to cancel registration for fall semester (remove all courses and fees)
Note: Cancellation of registration is defined as dropping all classes before the first day of classes.

August 28, Monday

Fall semester opening date – classes begin – Athens and regional campuses

September 1, Friday

Last day to add a fall semester class without instructor’s approval

September 4, Monday

Labor Day holiday (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)

September 8, Friday

Last day to register for fall semester
Note: Students who are in attendance by this date but fail to complete any registration procedures must pay a penalty for retroactive registration correction according to the following schedule:
September 9 - 15


September 16 - 22


September 23 - 29


September 30 - October 6


Last day to add a fall semester class (instructor’s permission required)

Last day to remove (drop) a fall semester class from student’s academic record with possible fee adjustment
Note: September 9 - November 3, students may withdraw from one or more fall semester classes, but the course will remain on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.

Last day to receive partial fee adjustment (80%) of registration fees for complete withdrawal from the University for fall semester (all fall semester courses removed from the student’s academic record)

Last day to change a grading option for fall semester class (credit to audit, audit to credit, pass/fail to regular grade option, or regular grade option to pass/fail)

Last day for removing Incomplete grades incurred during last enrollment (if not removed, I grade will change to F)

September 9, Saturday

Students may withdraw from one or more fall semester classes through November 3 (last day to withdraw from an individual class)
Note: Course remains on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and continues to be used in the calculation of tuition and fees. Corrected registration that results in increased hours could increase tuition.

October 2, Monday

Last day to apply for graduation for fall semester
Note: Official degree conferral date and fall commencement are December 16.

October 10, Tuesday

Fall Semester Reading Day (classes not in session; University is open)

October 13, Friday

Last day to change college/major for fall semester

November 3, Friday

Last day to withdraw from (drop) an individual class on your fall semester schedule
Note: Course remains on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.

November 10, Friday

Veterans Day holiday (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)

November 22, Wednesday

Thanksgiving Break begins - classes not in session

November 22 – 26

Thanksgiving Break - classes not in session

November 23, Thursday

Thanksgiving Day holiday (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)

November 24, Friday

Columbus Day holiday observed (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)

November 27, Monday

Classes resume

December 8, Friday

Last day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the University for fall semester (contact college or regional campus student services offices)
Note: Courses remain on student’s academic record with withdrawn grades and no fee adjustment.

December 9, Saturday

           Last day of classes for fall semester

December 11 – 15

Fall semester examination period

December 16, Saturday

Fall semester closing date
Official degree conferral date
Fall Commencement

December 20, Wednesday

Deadline (12:00 noon) for all grades, including pending grades from previous terms for degree candidates

December 21, Thursday

Fall semester grades available

December 23, Saturday

Fall semester probation status available

December 25 - January 1

Winter Closure (University closed)

Spring Semester 2017-18                                         

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January 15, Monday

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)
Last day to cancel registration for spring semester (remove all courses and fees)
Note: Cancellation of registration is defined as dropping all classes before the first day of classes.

January 16, Monday

Spring semester opening date – classes begin – Athens and regional campuses

January 19, Friday

Last day to add a spring semester class without instructor’s approval

January 21, Sunday

Spring semester tuition and fees due for students registered by December 31

January 26, Friday

Last day to register for spring semester
Note: Students who are in attendance by this date but fail to complete any registration procedures must pay a penalty for retroactive registration correction according to the following schedule:

January 27 – February 2


February 3 – 9


February 10 – 16


February 17 – 23


Last day to add a spring semester class (instructor’s permission required)

Last day to remove (drop) a spring semester class from student’s academic record with possible fee adjustment
Note: January 27 – March 30, students may withdraw from one or more spring semester classes, but the course will remain on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.

Last day to receive partial fee adjustment (80%) of registration fees for complete withdrawal from the University for spring semester (all spring semester courses removed from the student’s academic record)

Last day to change a grading option for spring semester class (credit to audit, audit to credit, pass/fail to regular grade option, or regular grade option to pass/fail)

Last day for removing Incomplete grades incurred during last enrollment (if not removed, I grade will change to F)

January 27, Saturday

Students may withdraw from one or more spring semester classes through March 30 (last day to withdraw from an individual class)
Note: Course remains on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and continues to be used in the calculation of tuition and fees. Corrected registration that results in increased hours could increase tuition.

February 19, Monday

Last day to apply for graduation for spring semester
Note: Official degree conferral dates and spring commencements are: May 4 (graduate), May 5 (undergraduate), May 12 (Osteopathic Medicine). 

March 2, Friday

Last day to change college/major for spring semester

March 12 – 16

Spring Break – classes not in session

March 19, Monday

Classes resume

March 30, Friday

Last day to withdraw from (drop) an individual class on your spring semester schedule
Note: Course remains on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.

April 27, Friday

Last day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the University for spring semester (contact college or regional campus student services office)
Note: Courses remain on student’s academic record with withdrawn grades and no fee adjustment.

April 28, Saturday

Last day of classes for spring semester

April 30 – May 4

Spring semester examination period

May 4, Friday

Spring Graduate Commencement
Official degree conferral date for graduate degrees

May 5, Saturday

Spring semester closing date

Spring Undergraduate Commencements

Official degree conferral date for undergraduate degrees

May 9, Wednesday

Deadline (12:00 noon) for all grades, including pending grades from previous terms for degree candidates

May 10, Thursday

Spring semester grades available

May 12, Saturday

Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Commencement and official degree conferral date
Spring semester probation status available

Summer Semester 2017-18                                          

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Summer Session I (first summer session)                                         

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May 13, Sunday

Last day to cancel registration for first summer session (remove all courses and fees)
Note: Cancellation of registration is defined as dropping all classes before the first day of classes.

May 14, Monday

First summer session opening date – classes begin – Athens and regional campuses

May 18, Friday

Last day to register for first summer session

Last day to add a first summer session class

Last day to remove (drop) a first summer session class from student’s academic record with possible fee adjustment
Note: May 19 – June 15, students may withdraw from one or more first summer session classes, but the course will remain on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.

Last day to receive partial fee adjustment (80%) of registration fees for complete withdrawal from the University for first summer session (all first summer session courses removed from the student’s academic record)

Last day to change a grading option for first summer session class (credit to audit, audit to credit, pass/fail to regular grade option, or regular grade option to pass/fail)

May 19, Saturday

Students may withdraw from one or more first summer session classes through June 15 (last day to withdraw from an individual class)
Note: Course remains on student’s academic record with grade of withdrawn and continues to be used in the calculation of tuition and fees. Corrected registration that results in increased hours could increase tuition.

May 21, Monday

Summer semester tuition and fees due for students registered by April 30

May 28, Monday

Memorial Day holiday (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)

June 5, Tuesday

First summer session students planning to graduate summer semester should apply for graduation.
Note: Official degree conferral date is August 18; final deadline for applying is July 16. Commencement is held at the conclusion of fall semester.

June 15, Friday

Last day to withdraw from (drop) an individual class on your first summer session schedule
Note: Course remains on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.

June 29, Friday

Last day to change college/major

Last day to withdraw (drop all first session classes) from the University for first summer session (contact college or regional campus student services office)
Note: Courses remain on student’s academic record with withdrawn grades and no fee adjustment.

June 30, Saturday

Last day of classes for first summer session
Note: Final examinations are scheduled for the last meeting time of each individual class.

First summer session closing date

July 4, Wednesday

Independence Day holiday observed (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)

July 5, Thursday

Deadline (12:00 noon) for all first summer session grades.

July 6, Friday

First summer session grades available

July 16, Monday

Last day to apply for graduation for summer semester.
Note: official degree conferral date is August 18. Commencement is held at the conclusion of fall semester.

August 25, Saturday

Summer probation status available

Summer Session II (second summer session)                                        

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May 21, Monday

Summer semester tuition and fees due for students registered by April 30

June 29, Friday

Last day to change college/major

July 1, Sunday

Last day to cancel registration for second summer session (remove all courses and fees)
Note: Cancellation of registration is defined as dropping all classes before the first day of classes.

July 2, Monday

Second summer session opening date – classes begin – Athens and regional campuses

July 4, Wednesday

Independence Day holiday (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)

July 6, Friday

Last day to register for second summer session

Last day to add a second summer session class

Last day to remove (drop) a second summer session class from student’s academic record with possible fee adjustment
Note: July 7 – August 3, students may withdraw from one or more second summer session classes, but the course will remain on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.

Last day to receive partial fee adjustment (80%) of registration fees for complete withdrawal from the University for second summer session (all second summer session courses removed from the student’s academic record)

Last day to change a grading option for second summer session class (credit to audit, audit to credit, pass/fail to regular grade option, or regular grade option to pass/fail)

July 7, Saturday

Students may withdraw from one or more second summer session classes through August 3 (last day to withdraw from an individual class)
Note: Course remains on student’s academic record with grade of withdrawn and continues to be used in the calculation of tuition and fees. Corrected registration that results in increased hours could increase tuition.

July 16, Monday

Last day to apply for graduation for summer semester.
Note: Official degree conferral date is August 18. Commencement is held at the conclusion of fall semester.

August 3, Friday

Last day to withdraw from (drop) an individual class on your second summer session schedule
Note: Course remains on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.

August 17, Friday

Last day to withdraw (drop all second summer session classes) from the University for second summer session (contact college or regional campus student services office)
Note: Courses remain on student’s academic record with withdrawn grades and no fee adjustment.

August 18, Saturday

Last day of classes for second summer session
Note: Final examinations are scheduled for the last meeting time of each individual class.

Second summer session closing date

Official degree conferral date for summer sessions and full summer semester

August 22, Wednesday

Deadline (12:00 noon) for all second summer session grades, including pending grades from previous terms for degree candidates.

August 23, Thursday

Second summer session grades available

August 25, Saturday

Summer probation status available 

Full Summer Semester 2017-18                                        

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May 13, Sunday

Last day to cancel registration for full summer semester (remove all courses and fees)
Note: Cancellation of registration is defined as dropping all classes before the first day of classes.

May 14, Monday

Full summer semester opening date – classes begin – Athens and regional campuses

May 18, Friday

Last day to add a full summer semester class without instructor’s approval

May 21, Monday

Summer semester tuition and fees due for students registered by April 30

May 25, Friday

Last day to register for full summer semester

Last day to add a full summer semester class (instructor’s permission required)

Last day to remove (drop) a full summer semester class from student’s academic record with possible fee adjustment
Note: May 26 – July 20 students may withdraw from one or more full summer semester classes, but the course will remain on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.

Last day to receive partial fee adjustment (80%) of registration fees for complete withdrawal from the University for full summer semester (all full summer semester courses removed from the student’s academic record)

Last day to change a grading option for full summer semester class (credit to audit, audit to credit, pass/fail to regular grade option, or regular grade option to pass/fail)

May 26, Saturday

Students may withdraw from one or more full summer semester classes through July 20 (last day to withdraw from an individual class)
Note: Course remains on student’s academic record with grade of withdrawn and continues to be used in the calculation of tuition and fees. Corrected registration that results in increased hours could increase tuition.

May 28, Monday

Memorial Day holiday (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)

June 29, Friday

Last day to change college/major

July 4, Wednesday

Independence Day holiday (University offices officially closed; classes not in session)

July 16, Monday

Last day to apply for graduation for summer semester.
Note: Official degree conferral date is August 18. Commencement is held at the conclusion of fall semester.

July 20, Friday

Last day to withdraw from (drop) an individual class on your full summer semester schedule
Note: Course remains on student’s academic record with a withdrawn grade and no fee adjustment.

August 17, Friday

Last day to withdraw (drop all full summer semester classes) from the University for full summer semester (contact college or regional campus student services office)
Note: Courses remain on student’s academic record with withdrawn grades and no fee adjustment.

August 18, Saturday

Last day of classes for full summer semester.
Note: Final examinations are scheduled for the last meeting time of each individual class.

Full summer semester closing date

Official degree conferral date for summer sessions and full summer semester

August 22, Wednesday

Deadline (12:00 noon) for all full summer semester grades, including pending grades from previous terms for degree candidates.

August 23, Thursday

Full summer semester grades available

August 25, Saturday

Summer probation status available






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