Dec 10, 2024  
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2007-08 
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2007-08 [Archived Catalog]


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Course Prefix


A H Art History
A ST Aerospace Studies
AAS African American Studies
ACCT Accounting
ANTH Anthropology
ARAB Arabic
ASTR Astronomy
ATCH Accounting Technology
AVN Aviation
B A Business Administration
BIOL Biology
BIOS Biological Sciences
BME Biomedical Engineering Materials
BMT Business Management Technology
BUS Business Cluster
BUSL Business Law
C E Civil Engineering
C H Contemporary History Institute
C S Computer Science
CH E Chemical Engineering
CHEM Chemistry and Biochemistry
CHIN Chinese
CLAR Classical Archaeology
CLAS Classics
CLWR Classics and World Religions
COMS Communication Studies
COMT Communication Systems Management (see ITS)
CTCH Computer Science Technology
DANC Dance
DSI Deaf Studies and Interpreting
DTCH Design Technology
E E Electrical Engineering
E M Electronic Media
ECON Economics
EDAD Education — Administration
EDCE Education — Counselor
EDCI Education — Curriculum and Instruction
EDCP Education — College Student Personnel
EDCR Education — Care Partnership
EDCS Education — Cultural Studies
EDCT Education — Computer Technology
EDEC Education — Early Childhood
EDEL Education — Elementary
EDHE Education — Higher
EDIC Education — International and Comparative
EDLE Education — Leadership
EDM Education — Media
EDMC Education — Middle Childhood
EDMS Education — Middle School
EDPL Education — Professional Laboratory
EDRE Education — Research and Evaluation
EDSE Education — Secondary
EDSP Education — Special
EDTE Education — Teacher Education
EH Environmental Health
EMBA Executive Management
ENG English
EQU Equine Studies
ES Environmental Studies
ET Engineering and Technology
ETCH Electronics Technology
EVT Environmental Engineering Technology
FAR Fine Arts
FIN Finance
FR French
GEOG Geography
GEOL Geological Sciences
GER German
GK Greek
GLC Global Learning Community
HC Honors College
HCCF Child and Family Studies
HCFN Food, Nutrition and Hospitality
HCGE Human and Consumer Sciences — General Education
HCIA Interior Architecture
HCRM Retail Merchandising
HIND Hindi–Urdu
HIST History
HLTH Health Sciences
HMT Hazardous Material Technology
HRM Human Resource Management
HS Health and Human Services
HSLS Hearing, Speech and Language Sciences
HST Human Services Technology
HUM Humanities
IART Interdisciplinary Arts
IH Industrial Hygiene
ILL International Literature: Linguistics
ILML International Literature: Modern Languages
IMT Industrial Maintenance Technology
INDO Indonesian Malaysian
INST International Studies
ISE Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
IT Industrial Technology
ITAL Italian
ITS Information and Telecommunication Systems (formerly COMT)
JPC Japanese Culture
JPN Japanese Language
JOUR Journalism
KHMR Khmer
KIKU Kikuyu
LAT Latin
LET Law Enforcement Technology
LING Linguistics
M E Mechanical Engineering
M L Modern Language
M SC Military Science
MAT Medical Assisting Technology
MATH Mathematics
MCB Molecular and Cellular Biology
MGT Management
MICR Microbiology
MIS Management Information Systems
MKT Marketing
MMT Material Management Technology
MTCH Manufacturing Technology
MUS Music
NRSE Nursing, Baccalaureate Program
NURS Nursing, Associate Program
OCOM Osteopathic Medicine
OPIE Ohio Program of Intensive English
OPN Operations
OTEC Office Technology
P SC Physical Science
PBIO Environmental and Plant Biology
PED Physical Education Activity
PESS Physical Education and Sport Sciences
PHIL Philosophy
PHYS Physics
POCO Political Communication
POLS Political Science
PORT Portuguese
PRCM Communication, Introduction to Professional
PSY Psychology
PT Physical Therapy
QBA Quantitative Business Analysis
REAL Real Estate Technology
REC Recreation Studies
RSAT Athletic Training
RUS Russian
S W Social Work
SASM Sports Administration/Sports Management
SISW Siswati
SOC Sociology
SOMA Somali
SPAN Spanish
SPST Specialized Studies
SST Security — Safety Technology
SUDN Sudanese
SWAH Swahili
TAS Technical and Applied Studies
T3 Tier III
TAT Travel and Tourism
TCOM Telecommunications
THAR Theater
UC University College
UP University Professor
VICO Visual Communication
VIET Vietnamese
WS Women’s Studies


Degree Code


A.A. Associate in Arts
A.A.B. Associate in Applied Business
A.A.S. Associate in Applied Science
A.I.S. Associate in Individualized Studies
A.S. Associate in Science
B.A. Bachelor of Arts
B.B.A. Bachelor of Business Administration
B.C.J. Bachelor of Criminal Justice
B.F.A. Bachelor of Fine Arts
B.Mus. Bachelor of Music
B.S. Bachelor of Science
B.S.A.T. Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training
B.S.C. Bachelor of Science in Communication
B.S.C.E. Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
B.S.Ch.E. Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
B.S.E.E. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
B.S.Ed. Bachelor of Science in Education
B.S.E.H. Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health
B.S.H. Bachelor of Science in Health
B.S.H.C.S. Bachelor of Science in Human and Consumer Sciences
B.S.H.S.L.S. Bachelor of Science in Hearing, Speech and Language Sciences
B.S.I.H. Bachelor of Science in Industrial Hygiene
B.S.I.S.E. Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering
B.S.I.T. Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
B.S.J. Bachelor of Science in Journalism
B.S.M.E. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
B.S.N. Bachelor of Science in Nursing
B.S.P.E. Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
B.S.R.S. Bachelor of Science in Recreation Studies
B.S.S. Bachelor of Specialized Studies
B.S.S.P.S. Bachelor of Science in Sport Sciences
B.S.V.C. Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication
B.T.A.S. Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies