Admissions suspended as of Fall 2018.
For further information, please contact Dr. Dwan Robinson (
Degree Title and Name: Master of Education in Critical Studies in Educational Foundations
Program Name and Number: Critical Studies in Educational Foundations – ME6227
Department/Unit: Department of Educational Studies
Delivery Mode: Athens Campus
Term(s) of Entry: Fall, Spring, Summer
Program Overview: Critical Studies in Educational Foundations (CSE) is a field that draws perspectives from the humanities and social sciences in order to examine the concept and practice of education, both formal and informal. The program focuses on the ways culture, knowledge and power shape education and learning in the human community. Education occurs in many contexts as we engage in formal pre-K–12 and higher education, as well as informally based community, social service and non-governmental organization educational endeavors. The program is multidisciplinary and offers analytic and narrative perspectives on the philosophical, historical, socio-economic, political and cultural dynamics that impact education and learning. The goal of the program is to assist in the development of citizens who, in their various roles, are committed to be change agents that work to increase social justice across their communities, nations and world. The CSE program is intellectually and culturally diverse, encouraging students to reflect, think critically, and act with conviction. The program is centered around coursework focusing on the history, philosophy, and sociology of education, critical diversity studies in education, as well as democratic, empowering, critical and alternative pedagogies. This is undertaken within the framework of critical and narrative social theories. Because education occurs in every context of human life and is not a neutral endeavor, the need to examine how, why and what we teach and learn is a complex, but necessary undertaking.
The CSE master’s degree does not have separate academic concentrations. Rather, students select a thematic focus that guides their choices of elective coursework. Students are encouraged to take courses in other departments and colleges in order to prepare themselves in the specific educational context in which they hope to work, be it preK–12, higher education, or within various social justice and/or social service organizations.
This program takes on average 1-1/2 to 2 years to complete as a full-time student; options are also available to add a graduate certificate program.
Program Learning Objectives:
- Gain theoretical understandings across several fields, including but not limited to, critical social theories, feminist and queer theory, critical diversity studies and co-culturalism, inclusive democratic theory, and critical and alternative pedagogies for empowerment and social change
- Develop the capacity to read, write and communicate at the graduate level with a critical and empowering perspective
- Synthesize academic concepts with the goal of engaging in “praxis” in educational contexts, both formal and informal
- Understand that an educator as a “public intellectual” has an ethical responsibility to work towards meaningful and transformative social change in the pursuit of the ideals of a robust and inclusive democracy
Opportunities for Graduates: The CSE master’s program prepares graduates with the aim of developing a community of practitioners, scholars, and educators who are committed to working for lasting social change and justice through empowering education across their communities and nation and within the global context. Graduates will engage in the work of “praxis,” that is, explore how theoretical work informs our practice and how our practice informs our theoretical work in social justice, diversity, and educational contexts.
Our graduates have pursued further studies and/or careers in post-secondary teaching, diversity education, leadership opportunities within non-profit education, community-based education, local and international development, and for preparation for further doctoral studies.
Link to Program:
Graduation Requirements: Complete a minimum of 33 semester hours of coursework including a core curriculum, interdisciplinary and core electives, and preparation in research methodology. The program curriculum follows and all required coursework must be completed with a “B” or better grade. Students will also complete a final master’s degree cumulative project/paper or thesis.
CSE Foundations Core Requirements
- EDCS 5100 - Introduction to Critical Studies in Education (4 credits)
- EDCS 5110 - Colloquium in Critical Studies in Education (2 credits)
- EDCS 5010 - History & Philosophy of Education (4 credits)
- EDCS 5040 - Sociology & Politics of Education (4 credits)
- EDCS 6010 - Education & Cultural Diversity (4 credits)
CSE Electives (for a minimum total of 8 credits)
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CSE Research Requirement (minimum of 4 credits)
- EDRE 5010 - Introduction to Research Methods (4 credits)
CSE Capstone Requirement (choose one)
- EDCS 6941 - Master’s Research Paper/Project (4 credits) OR
- EDCS 6950 - Master’s Thesis (4 credits)
Culminating Experience: Each student will have the opportunity to select a final capstone requirement for the completion of the Master’s in Education degree. The final capstone provides the student an opportunity to synthesize the critical social theories in our field with application to the unique research foci of the student. Options that are available include:
- Capstone Research Paper, with empirical and/or research literature data
- Capstone Project and Report to include outreach and/or service components
- University-approved Thesis research
The maximum credit hours for the capstone to be counted towards the degree is 4 credit hours. Additional independent study hours may be added while student completes their capstone but will not be counted towards meeting degree requirements.
Admission Requirements:
- CSE accepts rolling admissions (each semester) although strongly encourages and prefers a Fall Semester start date.
- A GRE score is not required for admission to the CSE M.Ed. program.
- Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree must meet and provide evidence of the following criteria:
- Completed Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution (or equivalent),
- Overall 2.90 GPA from undergraduate degree, OR 3.25 GPA from the final 90 quarter hours or 60 semester hours of undergraduate work (Note: If applicant does not meet these minimum gpa requirements, they may be considered by meeting benchmark scores on the GRE).
- Official transcripts from every institution of higher education attended (regardless of whether final Bachelor’s degree was awarded from that institution),
- Three (3) letters of recommendation from previous faculty or professional colleagues who can speak to the academic potential of the applicant to engage in and complete academic work at the graduate level,
- A 3–5 page autobiographical statement addressing the following:
- Relevant personal and professional information and experience
a. Why the applicant wants to study in the CSE program
b. What the applicant hopes to gain from study in the CSE program, and
c. How the applicant sees the CSE Master’s degree complementing future outcomes and professional goals.
International Students: This program permits full-time enrollment in residence at Ohio University, and an I-20 may be issued based on admission to this program.