Feb 13, 2025
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2016-17 [Archived Catalog]
Theater Major (B.A.)
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Major code BA5194
College of Fine Arts
School of Dance, Film, and Theater
Theater Division
Kantner Hall 307B
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: 740.593.4818
Fax: 740.593.4817
Program Overview
This curriculum is intended to serve students who want both a theater major and a broad liberal arts foundation for their university education. It includes a study of theater in the context of human concerns and activities by establishing a solid foundation of coursework in the humanities, sciences, cultures, and languages. It recognizes that many students in the major possess varied talents and interests. Students will benefit from the rigorous artistic demands made by courses in areas of specialty in the Theater Division, while also meeting the challenges of a liberal arts education. Although you are encouraged to select courses that provide an emphasis for your work, students will not major in any one area of theater or concentrate exclusively on any one area of interest. All theater majors are required to attain a grade of C (2.0) or better in any theater course required for graduation.
The B.A. program also provides an opportunity to major in more than one discipline. Second majors such as English, history, creative writing, journalism, music, criminal justice administration, prelaw, and sociology have been successful choices.
Admissions Information
Freshman/First-Year Admission
No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Change of Program Policy
No selective or limited admission requirements.
External Transfer Admission
No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Opportunities Upon Graduation
One of the goals of the B.A. in theater is the preparation of the most gifted students for successful admission to graduate schools or other advanced training in theater or other areas. However, even if you do not wish to extend your studies beyond the baccalaureate level, the B.A. in theater addresses both the quality and the diversity of your studies.
College of Fine Arts (COFA) B.A. Degree Requirements
B.A. Degree and RequirementsGeneral requirements for a B.A. are
- a minimum of 120 semester hours;
- 57 hours of coursework above the 1999 level;
- the equivalent of two years of college-level foreign language;
- at least 9 hours each of humanities, social sciences, and 6 hours of natural sciences coursework;
- General Education Requirements —Tiers I, II, III; and
- all requirements stipulated by the school for the chosen major.
Minors are optional.
B.A. Degree Language Options
B.A.: Students must complete 2120 (or its equivalent). Students taking the Spanish, French, or German placement test and who test into 3410 will have fulfilled their foreign language requirement. The placement exam does not count as college credit. Students who test into 3410 are encouraged to take the course they placed into for college credit. These higher-level courses will count as humanities courses (and A&S 2000-level or higher) as well as towards a minor or major in the field.
Students who have prior knowledge of one of the following foreign languages should contact the academic departments listed below for test-out and placement information:
American Sign Language - Contact person: Becky Brooks - saunderb@ohio.edu - 740.654.6711 - Lancaster Campus
French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, or Russian - Modern Languages - Gordy Hall 283 - Contact person: Heather Young - youngh1@ohio.edu - 740.593.2765
Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Kikuyu, Khmer, Somali, Sudanese Arabic, Swahili, Thai, Twi, Vietnamese, Wolof, or Zulu - Linguistics - Gordy Hall 383
Greek or Latin - Classics and World Religions - Contact person: Bill Owens owensb@ohio.edu - Ellis 210
International Students
For international students whose first or native language is not English, and who completed high school where the first or native language was the one primarily used for instruction, the foreign language requirement may be satisfied by demonstrating competence in English. This must be approved by the assistant dean in the College of Fine Arts, and it generally requires the successful completion of at least one or more courses in English as a foreign language.
You may also satisfy the foreign language requirement by taking a foreign language other than your own first language at Ohio University, or by successfully completing the NYU foreign language exam.
Enrollment in the beginning or intermediate level (under 3000) of your own first language(s) will be considered a noncredit course.
Please contact the Fine Arts Undergraduate Student Affairs office at 740.593.1808 for additional information.
Liberal Arts and Sciences Distribution Requirements
The humanities requirement may be met by selecting 9 semester hours, excluding the major, from the following (if no courses are listed, all courses apply):
- African American Studies: AAS 1060 , 1100 , 1500 , 2100 , 2110 , 2500 , 3100 , 3170 , 3500 , 3520 , 3530 , 3550 , 3560 , 3570
- Art: ART 1100 , 1200 , 1210 , 1220 , 1230 , 1240 , 1600 , 2640 , 3660
- Art History: AH
- Classical Archaeology, except CLAR 2110 , 2120 , 2130
- Classics in English (CLAS)
- College of Arts and Sciences: CAS 1110
- Communication Studies: COMS 3601 , 3602 , 3603
- Dance: DANC 1010 , 1020 , 1040 , 1050 , 1700 , 2235 , 2700 , 2710 , 3150 , 3550 , 4550 , 4710 , 4711 , 4750
- English: except ENG D150 , D160 , 1510 , 1610 , 4510 , 4520 , 4911 , 4912
- Film: FILM 2010 , 2020 , 2030 , 3400 , 3430 , 4440 , 4710 , 4720
- Fine Arts: FAR 1500
- Foreign language courses other than those used to complete the foreign language requirement and except FR 1199 , 4640 , JPN 3410 , and SPAN 1199
- History: HIST 1210 , 1220 , 1221 , 2950 , 3111J , 3140 , 3143 , 3144 , 3146 , 3148 , 3224 , 3280 , 3290 , 3291 , 3292 , 3293 , 3390 , 3400 , 3501 , 3520 , 3531 , 3532 , 3533 , 3540 , 3541 , 3542 , 3543 , 3560 , 3562 , 3600 , 3601 , 3602 , 3650 , 3700 , 3860 , 3861 , 3864 , 3900 , 4536
- Humanities: HUM 2070 , 2080 , 2170 , 2900
- Interdisciplinary Arts: IART
- International Literatures in English, International Literature: Linguistics, and International Literature: Modern Languages except ILL 3890
- Jewish Studies: (all), JS 1000 , 2100 , 2900
- Modern Languages: ML 2910 , 3210J , 3270J
- Music/Music Literature: MUS 1200 or 1250 , 1240 , 3210 , 4210 , 4211 , 4212 , 4213 , 4214 , 4215 , 4216 , 4270 , 4280
- Philosophy: except PHIL 1200
- Portuguese: PORT 3110 , 3120 , 4110 , 4120 ,
- Theater: THAR 1390 , 1710 , 1730 , 2130 , 2390 , 2710 , 2711 , 3396 , 3397 , 3398 , 4710
- University Professor: UP 1901 , 1901U , 4901U (class subjects vary; check Course Offerings for more information)
- Women’s and Gender Studies: except WGS 3910
- World Religions: CLWR
The social sciences requirement may be met by a selection of 9 semester hours, excluding the major, from the following (if no courses are listed, all courses apply):
- African American Studies: AAS 1010 , 1900 , 2020 , 2200 , 2250 , 2540 , 3400 , 3410 , 3450 , 3460 , 3680 , 4400 , 4820
- Anthropology: except ANTH 2010 , 3460 , 3550 , 4470 , 4480 , 4960 , and those listed as natural sciences below
- Business Law: BUSL 2000 , 2550
- Classical Archaeology: CLAR 2110 , 2120 , 2130
- College of Arts and Sciences: CAS 1120
- Economics: ECON
- Environmental and Plant Biology: PBIO 2170
- Geography: GEOG except those listed under Natural Sciences (see below)
- History: HIST except those listed under Humanities (see above)
- International Studies: INST
- International Literature: ILL 3890
- Japanese: JPN 3410
- Law, Justice, and Culture: LJC 2000
- Linguistics: LING
- Political Science: POLS
- Psychology: except PSY 1110 , 2110 , 2210 , 3110 , 3230
- Social Work: SW
- Sociology: SOC
- University Professor: UP 1901S , 4901S (class subjects vary; check Course Offerings for more information)
- Women’s and Gender Studies: WGS 3910
- World Religions: CLWR 4340 , 4350
The natural sciences requirement may be met by selecting 6 semester hours, excluding the major, from the following (if no courses are listed, all courses apply):
- Anthropology: ANTH 2010 , 3460 , 3550 , 4470 , 4480 , 4960
- Astronomy: ASTR
- Biological Sciences: BIOS
- Chemistry: except CHEM D015 , 1100 , 1150
- Computer Science: CS 4160
- Environmental and Plant Biology: except PBIO 2170
- Geography: GEOG 1100 , 2020 , 3010 , 3020 , 3030 , 3040 , 3050 , 3150 , 3160 , 3580 , 4060 , 4070 , 4080 , 4090 , 4110 , 4170 , 4660 , 4670 , 4712
- Geological Sciences: GEOL
- Mathematics: except MATH D005 , 1090 , 1101 , 1102 , 1200 , 1300 , 1321 , 1322 , 4100
- Physical Science: PSC
- Psychology: PSY 2110 , 2210 , 3110 , 3230
- Physics: PHYS
- University Professor: UP 1901N , 4901N (class subjects vary; check Course Offerings for more information)
*These listings must be used as the official guide for the completion of the Arts and Sciences area (distribution) requirements. Exceptions to the hour area distribution will be made only under the most unusual of circumstances and by petition only. Some courses from these categories may also be applied to the University Tier II requirements. However, the three area distributions differ in scope from the six Tier II groupings (Applied Science and Mathematics, Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Fine Arts, Humanities and Literature, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences). If you wish to select a course that will apply to both area distributions and Tier II requirements, take care to choose a course that has been approved for the desired category in both the College and the University listings. (The list of courses approved for Tier II categories appears in the General Education Requirements section of the catalog.) Courses that can fulfill Tier I quantitative skills, the freshman composition requirements and the Tier III requirement do not apply to the three area distribution requirements, except for MATH 1350 and PSY 2110 .
Level-of-Study Requirement
Hours at the 200 level or above: Within the total hours applied to the degree, at least 57 semester hours of courses must be above the freshman level (numbered above 1999). These courses are listed earlier in this section under humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and include foreign languages, courses from the department major, and courses taught by faculty in the College of Fine Arts or Arts and Sciences intended to meet the junior composition or Tier III requirement.
Single Application of Credit and Exceptions
Excluding the exceptions listed below, no course may satisfy more than one of the three area distribution requirements in foreign language, humanities, social sciences, or the major requirement. For example, a theater major may not apply any courses in theater toward the humanities area distribution requirement. Courses that fulfill freshman General Education Tier I requirements or Tier III will not apply to the three area distribution requirements. Tier III-equivalent courses may fulfill both major and Tier III requirements.
Exceptions are:
- MATH 1350 , and PSY 2110 (will fulfill the Tier I quantitative requirement, as well as the natural science area distribution).
- Courses required for a major, but outside the major department (extradepartmental) will be counted toward the area distribution requirement.
- Courses required for a minor will be counted toward the area distribution requirement.
- Junior-level advanced composition courses offered by departments within the College of Fine Arts or the College of Arts and Sciences apply to the area distribution requirement except when they are required for the major.
Courses required for a second major may be used for the area distribution requirement.
Theater BA Core
Complete the following courses with a grade of C (2.0) or better. First-Year Foundation
Complete the following courses: Complete one of the following courses:
Theater History
Complete three of the following courses: Production Practicum
Complete two of the following courses for a minimum total of 4 hours: Theater BA Individual Program
Complete 15 hours of Theater courses at the 2000-level or above beyond the Theater BA Core with a grade of C (2.0) or better. Courses should be chosen in consultation with student’s advisor. No more than 4 hours of any theater practicum beyond the required Theater BA Core may apply. |
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