Feb 08, 2025
GEOL 5760 - Subsurface Methods Resume of drilling, sampling, and logging by electric, radioactivity, temperature, and neutron methods as applied to petroleum exploration, water, and engineering projects.
Requisites: Credit Hours: 4 Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken. Lecture/Lab Hours: 2.0 lecture, 2.0 laboratory Grades: Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I Learning Outcomes: - Graduate students are expected to actively participate in discussions in class and lab that will aid the undergraduates in synthesizing information.
- Graduate students must complete a project that consists of constructing and interpreting multiple well log cross-sections and maps from 10 wells in a township from an oil field.
- Demonstrate their knowledge through constructing a small cross-section from actual well data.
- How to construct and interpret well-log cross-sections.
- Know how to describe and interpret both cuttings and cores from drill holes.
- Know how to properly contour and interpret subsurface data.
- Know the basics of the most common geophysical well logs and how these can be used to interpret subsurface geology.
- Understand the general principles of the collection and mapping of subsurface pressure data.
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