Jan 21, 2025
EDAD 6431 - Data Applications for Teacher Leaders Designed to enable teacher leader candidates to contribute significantly to the effectiveness of educational practices and programs in their schools.
Requisites: (EDAD 6010 or 601) and (EDAD 6020 or 602) and EDRE 5010 Credit Hours: 3 Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken. Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar Grades: Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I Learning Outcomes: - Candidates will apply data in evaluating the allocation of school resources.
- Candidates will frame pertinent questions about instructional, curricular or professional development issues that can be answered through data collection and analysis.
- Candidates will select and analyze data to evaluate student, teacher or school performance and progress related to the issue.
- Using data and data analysis, candidates will facilitate the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a school vision of learning supported by the school community.
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